They should definitely make a ultimate dog simulator, and ultimate cat simulator. But I do reccomend improving the dog models eyes, they are very glitchy. 9/10. A few ideas if you make the ultimate simulator:
Customized dogs
Different breeds
New map possibly?
A bark icon, and a growl. (In my opinion, dogs and humans should be able to tell if the dog is being friendly, by barking, or aggressive by growling. But I know that would be difficult to make)
And if you make the ultimate, please fix the animal control. I like how you incorporated that, but its extremely glitchy. Also, they are pretty easy to defeat.
Possibly the ability to bury food?
Thats all, Im not forcing anything on you, but these are just suggestions that I think would get you some more good reviews.
RickR58 about Stray Dog Simulator, v1.1